How To Contact College Coaches | Smarthlete
Getting recruited involves a lot of communication. You reaching out to coaches, coaches responding and following-up! 4 clear rules to make your life somewhat easier.
Getting recruited involves a lot of communication. You reaching out to coaches, coaches responding and following-up! 4 clear rules to make your life somewhat easier.
SAT or ACT don't offer testing-at-home opportunities in uncertain Covid-19 times like these. TOEFL does. Use it, but do understand what kind of technical set-up you need before registering!
Corona doesn't go unnoticed in the recruiting world either - our take on the situation and what you should do with regards to your recruiting process.
Nobody gets recruited without reading up on this topic at least once during the college recruiting process. SAT, ACT, TOEFL, IELTS, DUOLINGO - which tests make most sense for you and why?
When are the National Championships set to take place in 2020? This edition of the Friday Scholarship Guide covers Golf, Lacrosse, Soccer, Swimming & Diving, Track & Field, Tennis and Volleyball
Finding your dream university to play college sports depends on a lot of different factors: 6 factors, which all have to do with your level, your budget and most importantly: your goals in life. Get as close as possible to 100% in each of these 6 dimensions and you nailed it.
Almost all athletes run into some sort of issues during their recruiting process. With the right level of support, you are usually able to deal with it just fine. This Friday Scholarship Guide is about why you should get support early on.
5 years - 100 blog articles. College sports. The recruiting process. Scholarships. Find out which articles have engaged our readership the most. Find out what the next 100 articles will be about.
Do you need some more convincing that women's college soccer is the perfect environment for young athletes dreaming of going pro? Let's look at the rosters of the countries, which participated in the FIFA 2019 Women's World Cup.
A well-done college soccer recruiting video is one of the single most important elements of your recruiting profile. Sometimes, it's all coaches go by. Get it done the right way from the start!