College Tennis Players - Now Davis Cup Heroes
College Tennis Players - Now Davis Cup Heroes

The Davis Cup ties last weekend were as usual characterized by excitement and drama, with epic wins and painful losses. Kazakhastan's 3-2 win over Italy is one of the most remarkable ones. Even more so as the third point was pulled off by a former college player who was ITA National Player of the Year and #1 in the nation during his time at Oklahoma State University: Aleksandr Nedovyesov. In this edition of Friday Scholarship Guide, we will take a look at some of the 36 (!) tennis players with a background in college tennis, who represented their countries past weekend.

ITA #5 Sebastian Stiefelmeyer: 5 Things I Love About College Tennis
ITA #5 Sebastian Stiefelmeyer: 5 Things I Love About College Tennis

We're extremely happy to have one of the currently best college tennis players give us his personal Top 5 reasons why he loves college tennis in today's Friday Scholarship Guide. You'll see that the team spirit and the mere fact of being part of a team in an individual sport like tennis have played a major role for Sebastian.

22 College Players in the Australian Open '15 Doubles Competition
22 College Players in the Australian Open '15 Doubles Competition

With the first Grand Slam tournament of the year in its final rounds, let's have another look at the players in the draw. This time we'll provide exciting information about the former college players in the men's doubles event. With 22 out of 128 players having had some sort of college experience, 17% of the total doubles draw are made up of former collegiate players. We will also relate their doubles strength to an interesting ranking phenomenon, some great players have displayed on their way up.

14 (Former) College Tennis Players in the Australian Open Qualifying
14 (Former) College Tennis Players in the Australian Open Qualifying

Following up on the Friday Scholarship Guide article last week, it's time for the first Grand Slam tournament of the year: The Australian Open. The qualifying events are in its final rounds and 14 college tennis players had a high enough ATP ranking for a spot in the draw. See below who's been playing, what college they play(ed) for and who still has a chance of making it to the main draw.

Top 4 Reasons College Tennis is the Best Choice for Aspiring Professionals
Top 4 Reasons College Tennis is the Best Choice for Aspiring Professionals

College tennis has long been an attractive option for American tennis players. Yet, not all choose college, but instead try to turn pro right away. That's even more the case for international tennis players, who bet all on their sport after high school graduation or sometimes even before that, neglecting their education. In this week's Friday's Scholarship Guide we will take a closer look at why and how college tennis is probably the best choice you can make!