New College of Florida

New College of Florida

Sarasota, FL




Academic Reputation




Academic Reputation

Top Ranked, Excellent, Very Good, Good, Competitive

1,120 - 1,340

SAT Mid-Range

Score of 50% of admitted students - indicator of how you'd fit in academically

23 - 29

ACT Mid-Range

Score of 50% of admitted students - indicator of how you'd fit in academically


New College of Florida

Mighty Banyans

Ready to Kick off Your Recruiting Process?

Men's Baseball
National Ranking: n.a.
Athletic Level:

Women's Basketball
National Ranking: n.a.
Athletic Level:

Men's Basketball
National Ranking: n.a.
Athletic Level:

Women's Cross Country
National Ranking: n.a.
Athletic Level: Competitive

Men's Cross Country
National Ranking: n.a.
Athletic Level: Competitive

Women's Golf
National Ranking: n.a.
Athletic Level: Competitive

Men's Golf
National Ranking: n.a.
Athletic Level: Competitive


Women's Lacrosse
National Ranking: n.a.
Athletic Level:


Men's Lacrosse
National Ranking: n.a.
Athletic Level: Competitive

Women's Soccer
National Ranking: n.a.
Athletic Level:

Men's Soccer
National Ranking: n.a.
Athletic Level:


Women's Softball
National Ranking: n.a.
Athletic Level:

Women's Tennis
National Ranking: n.a.
Athletic Level: Competitive

Men's Tennis
National Ranking: n.a.
Athletic Level: Competitive

Women's Volleyball
National Ranking: n.a.
Athletic Level: Competitive